It contains 50 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 1. Angiosperms are characterized by the presence of

2 ➤ 2. In majority of dicot, the direct elongation of the radicle leads to the formation of

3 ➤ 3. The primary root and its branches constitute

4 ➤ 4. In wheat (monocot)

5 ➤ 5. Adventitious roots are found in

6 ➤ 6. Adventitious roots arise from part other than

7 ➤ 7. Functions of root are

8 ➤ 8. What is the number of regions in which a root is divided?

9 ➤ 9. Root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure called

10 ➤ 10. The root region is arranged proximal to distal part in the following manner

11 ➤ 11. Root hairs arise from

12 ➤ 12. Find out the incorrect statement:

13 ➤ 13. Which of the following is an exception for the modification of the tap root?

14 ➤ 14. Prop or pillar roots are found in

15 ➤ 15. Maize and sugarcane contain

16 ➤ 16. Find out the incorrect statement

17 ➤ 17. Which of the following is incorrect of stem?

18 ➤ 18. Functions of stem are

19 ➤ 19. Young stems are generally

20 ➤ 20. Underground stem stores food in the following except

21 ➤ 21. Which stem act as an organ of perennation?

22 ➤ 22. Which of the following is a gourd?

23 ➤ 23. Which of the following is correct about gourds?

24 ➤ 24. Select the incorrect matching

25 ➤ 25. The lateral branches original from basal and underground portion of the main stem, grow horizontally beneath the soil and then come out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots seen in case of

26 ➤ 26. A slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially for sometime arch downward to touch the ground seen in case of

27 ➤ 27. A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots are found in aquatic plants like

28 ➤ 28. Select the correct statement from the following: A. Fleshy cylindrical stem in Euphorbia carry out photosynthesis. B. Pistia and eichhornia are example of offset. C. Underground stem of grass and strawberry spread to new niche and when older part die new plants are formed. D. Thorns are woody, straight and pointed.

29 ➤ 29. The most important vegetative organ for photosynthesis is

30 ➤ 30. Which of the following is correct about leaf?

31 ➤ 31. Which of the following is incorrect about leaf?

32 ➤ 32. Typical leaf consist of

33 ➤ 33. The leaf is attached to the stem by the leaf base and may bear two lateral small leaf like structure called

34 ➤ 34. Select the correct statement
A. In monocot leaf, the base expands into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly.
B. In all leguminous plants, the leaf base may become swollen, which is called the pulvinus.
C. The lamina or leaf blade is the green expanded part of the leaf with veins and veinlets.
D. Veins provide rigidity to leaf blade.

35 ➤ 35. Leaf can be differentiated by

36 ➤ 36. Long thin _________ petiole allows the leaf blade to flutter in wind, thereby cooling of the leaf and bringing _________ air to leaf surfaces.

37 ➤ 37. The arrangement of arteries and arterioles in the lamina of leaf is termed as

38 ➤ 38. Which of the following is correct about venation?
A. Parallel venation is generally found in monocot.
B. Parallel venation is generally found in dicot.
C. Reticulate venation is generally found in monocot.
D. Reticulate venation is generally found in dicot

39 ➤ 39. Bud is present in axil

40 ➤ 40. Pinnately compound leaf found in

41 ➤ 41. Palmately compound leaf is found in

42 ➤ 42. Find out the correct matching:
A. Palmately compound leaves – Leaf let attached to common axis rachis
B. Phyllotaxy – Pattern of arrangement of leaves on stemor branch
C. Pinnately compound leaves – Leaflet attached to a common point i.e. at the tip of petiole
D. Venation – Arrangement of veins and veinlets in the lamina of leaf

43 ➤ 43. Phyllotaxy is usually of three types, namely

44 ➤ 44. Select the correct matching: Column I Column II Column III
Column I-A. Alternate
Column II - X. Single leaf arises at each node
Column III - 1. China Rose, mustard, sunflower
Column I-B. Whorled
Column II - Y. More than 2 leaf arises at node
Column III - 2. Alstonia
Column I-C. Opposite
Column II - Z. Pair of leaf arises at node
Column III - 3. Calotropis and guava

45 ➤ 45. Which of the following posses alternate phyllotaxy except?

46 ➤ 46. In which plant the leaves are small and short-lived. The petiole in these plant expand, become green and synthesize food, such petiole is known as phyllode?

47 ➤ 47. Select the incorrect matching

48 ➤ 48. Which of the following pair represent insectivorous plant?

49 ➤ 49. In pitcher plant, the pitcher is modified into

50 ➤ 50. In floral meristem

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