It contains 77 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : kalvisolai.net

1 ➤ 106. The growth of the roots and stems in length with the help of apical meristem is called

2 ➤ 107. Dicot plant exhibits an increase in girth. It is an example of

3 ➤ 108. Cells of cambium present between primary xylem and primary phloem forms

4 ➤ 109. Vascular cambium is formed by
I. Interfascicular cambium
II. Intrafascicular cambium.
III. Cork cambium

5 ➤ 110. Cambium wing forms cells towards

6 ➤ 111. The vascular cambium activity is

7 ➤ 112. The following will not happen during secondary growth by cambium ring:

8 ➤ 113. During secondary growth all occur except

9 ➤ 114. The activity of cambium is under control of

10 ➤ 115. Select the total number of correct statements from the following:
(1) In spring season cambium is active and produces a large number of xylary elements having vessels with wider lumen.
(2) The spring wood is also known as early wood.
(3) In winter, the cambium is less active and forms few xylary elements having narrow vessels this is called autumn wood or late wood.
(4) The spring wood is lighter in colour and has lower density.
(5) Autumn wood is darker and has higher density. (6) Annual ring (autumn wood and spring wood) used to estimate the age of plant.

11 ➤ 116. In older trees, the greater part of secondary xylem is dark brown due to the deposition of

12 ➤ 117. The dark brown deposition of organic compound in heartwood will make it

13 ➤ 118. Heartwood contains

14 ➤ 119. The function of heartwood is

15 ➤ 120. Peripheral region of secondary xylem, which is light in color is known as

16 ➤ 121. The cells of secondary cortex are

17 ➤ 122. Bark refers to

18 ➤ 123. At certain region, the phellogen cuts off closely arranged parenchymatous cells on the outer side instead of cork cells. These parenchymatous cells soon rupture epidermis, forming a lensshaped opening called

19 ➤ 124. Which of the following is correct about lenticels?

20 ➤ 125. In dicot root, the vascular cambium is

21 ➤ 126. Initially formed cambium in dicot root is

22 ➤ 127. Secondary growth occur in

23 ➤ 128. Which of the following is incorrect?

24 ➤ 129. Main functions of plant tissues are

25 ➤ 130. Cambium causes growth in

26 ➤ 131. The function of cork cambium (phellogen) is to produce

27 ➤ 132. Other names of secondary cortex, cork cambium and cork are

28 ➤ 133. In dicot roots, the vascular cambium is derived from

29 ➤ 134. Periderm is made up of

30 ➤ 135. Cork cells are

31 ➤ 136. Annual rings are distinct in plants growing in

32 ➤ 137. Xylem, which is functional in a dicot tree is

33 ➤ 138. External protective tissues of plants (of dicot stem are)

34 ➤ 139. Cork cambium is a

35 ➤ 140. Cambium, which produces cork is known as

36 ➤ 141. Dendrochronology is the study of

37 ➤ 142. The tissue made up of thin-walled rectangular cells responsible for the secondary growth is

38 ➤ 143. In old dicot stems, a major part of the wood is filled up with tannins, resins, gums, etc. This part of wood is called

39 ➤ 144. Lenticel develops through the activity of

40 ➤ 145. The waxy substance associated with cell walls of cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of _________, which gets deposited on cork cells

41 ➤ 146. Growth rings determines the

42 ➤ 147. Lenticels are formed in bark, which are

43 ➤ 148. Heart wood or duramen is the

44 ➤ 149. The bark of tree comprises of

45 ➤ 150. The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundles is called

46 ➤ 151. Bulliform or motor cells are present in

47 ➤ 152. Exarch and polyarch vascular bundles occur in

48 ➤ 153. In root, the xylem is

49 ➤ 154. In monocot leaf

50 ➤ 155. In dicot root

51 ➤ 156. Well-developed pith is found in

52 ➤ 157. The correct situation of mesophyll in isobilateral grass leaf is shown by

53 ➤ 158. Monocot root differs from dicot root in having

54 ➤ 159. Vascular bundles are scattered in

55 ➤ 160. Generally hypodermis in monocots is composed of

56 ➤ 161. The polyarch condition is seen in

57 ➤ 162. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of the anatomy of dicotyledonous root?

58 ➤ 163. Endodermis of dicot stem is also called

59 ➤ 164. The cell layer located at the periphery in the cross-section of the root is called

60 ➤ 165. Exarch xylem is found in

61 ➤ 166. Two to four xylem bundle are found in (

62 ➤ 167. Collenchymatous hypodermis is characteristics of

63 ➤ 168. Vascular bundles in dicot stem are

64 ➤ 169. Cortex and pith are not distinguished in

65 ➤ 170. In a dorsiventral leaf, the location of palisade tissue and phloem are known as

66 ➤ 171. Which of the following is seen in a monocot root?

67 ➤ 172. With respect to which factor, the pericycle of a root differs from that of the stem?

68 ➤ 173. Collenchyma generally occurs

69 ➤ 174. Phloem parenchyma is absent in

70 ➤ 175. Collenchyma tissue is present in

71 ➤ 176. The vascular bundles in the stem of monocots are typically

72 ➤ 177. Sclerenchymatous sheath is present in vascular bundles of

73 ➤ 178. In monocot roots which types of vascular bundles are found?

74 ➤ 179. Lateral roots arise from

75 ➤ 180. In dicot roots, the cells of which region show casparian strips?

76 ➤ 181. In the diagram of T.S. of Stele of Dicot Root, the different parts have been indicated by alphabets. Choose the answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts they indicate.

77 ➤ 182. In grasses,

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